Agnes Hombach
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist, Shiatsu Therapist
Agnes Hombach is a registered Biodynamic Craniosacral therapist and certified Shiatsu therapist.
Her career in healthcare started in 1985 as an emergency paramedic for the BC Ambulance Service. Experiences in this field sparked her interest to pursue more holistically oriented healthcare studies.
In 2003 she completed her training as a certified Shiatsu therapist; and in 2008 graduated as a certified craniosacral therapist, both through Langara College in Vancouver.
Agnes was introduced to the Biodynamic approach to Craniosacral Therapy during her studies, and completed the foundation training in March 2012 with Bodyintelligence in Vancouver.
After practicing in Vancouver and Vernon, Agnes enrolled in the Somatic Experience Professional training program to deepen her understanding of trauma and its effects on the nervous system. She completed her training in March 2015.
After attending the ‘Mothers, Babies and Children’ craniosacral post-grad seminar in June 2016, Agnes has extended her practice to include working with moms and babies.
For specific questions about the modalities that she offers, contact her directly at agnes@tidalelements.ca
Agnes accepts the following methods of payment:
Cash, Cheque, E-transfer