Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST)

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) is a gentle and profound hands-on body therapy founded in osteopathy.
BCST is a wonderfully relaxing approach to healing through touch. The therapist directly supports their clients’ ability to self-repair and find a natural balance by following the unwinding of the tissues. This therapy is suited for all ages and a wide range of acute to chronic conditions. Regular sessions support good maintenance of health.
How is BCST performed?
BCST is performed on a fully clothed body. We ask that you wear comfortable pants (with no belt) and a warm shirt. Craniosacral sessions involves the practitioner placing their hands on the patient, which allows them to “tune into the craniosacral rhythm”. The practitioner then uses delicate manual techniques to release restrictions and relieve undue pressure on the brain and spinal cord. When the central nervous system is free of restrictions, the body is more able to return to its highest levels of health.
What are the Benefits BCST?
Craniosacral sessions are beneficial for acute, sub-acute and chronic pain. BCST sessions also well suited for maintenance of wellness and stress reduction. Some conditions which Craniosacral work can assist are:
- Autism
- Menstrual Cramping
- Migraines
- Muscle Tension
- Muscle Spasms
- Nightmares
- Osteoarthritis
- Personality Disturbances
- Postural Deformities
- Raynaud’s Disease
- Scars
- Sciatica
- Scoliosis
- Stress Related Disorders
- Tinnitus
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- TMJ Dysfunction
- Vertigo
- Whiplash
- Birth Traumas
- Chronic Depression
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Chronic Pain
- Constipation
- Degenerative Disc Disease
- Digestive Disorders
- Dyslexia
- Edema
- Fibromyalgia
- Frozen Shoulder
- Headaches
- Herniated Discs
- Impingement Syndrome
- Inflammation of the nerves
- Insomnia
- Low Back Pain
- Lupus
BCST is also sought out by those who are perfectly healthy, as a meditative and calming experience as it helps improve overall well-being. Clients benefit from better overall health and resistance to dis-ease by receiving regular treatments for maintenance.Full payment is required on the date your treatment is provided. You can then submit your receipt to your health insurer for reimbursement. Please contact your insurance provider to see what the specific details of your coverage are.
“As a highly sensitive and empathic person I have found Craniosacral Therapy to be the ultimate tonic to my overstimulated nervous system – truly a ‘reset button’ that leaves me feeling deeply nourished.” ~Emily Leduc
Did You Know?
We offer both Low-Cost Student Practitioner Sessions and fully Registered Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist Sessions in our Healing Arts Clinic.
Low-Cost Student Practitioner Sessions:
1st Year Students, 30 minute – $20
Our 1st Year Students are currently taking new practice clients who have generally good health. Small accidents and injuries are common for people with good health. We ask that people who have more serious conditions, or who are on strong medications to book in with either a 2nd year student, or a Registered Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist.
2nd Year Students, 45 minutes – $40
Our 2nd Year Students are interested in seeing practice clients who are pregnant, have newborns, or people who struggle with serious conditions such as concussions, motor vehicle accidents, fibromyalgia, crohn’s disease, etc so they can continue to build upon their 2 years of experience.
Call our Clinic to find out if a Student Practitioner is appropriate for you 250-306-9283
Registered Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist Sessions:
Tidal Elements’ Registered Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapists® are experienced Practitioners who are here for your holistic care. They are available to see clients who have had serious health issues, and ALSO people who are simply looking to deepen their sense of self awareness on their life journey. If you have extended medical benefits, please inquire with our Reception Team to see who might be the best fit for your care.
60 minute: $100.00 – $130.00