Body Intelligence:
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Course

biodynamic craniosacral therapy training in vernon bc

The training offers a 50 day practitioner course arranged in ten 5 day seminars over two years for individuals wanting to become qualified Craniosacral therapists. The training is biodynamic in its approach orienting to the body’s natural wisdom and inherent change. These changes will be physiological and psycho-emotional. The body’s own priorities for change are listened for and encouraged to arise. The art of the therapist is to connect with the underlying forces of health and facilitate a process of natural re-organization. These forces express as subtle motion of tissues and fluids that can be felt by sensitive hands. Biodynamic Craniosacral therapy takes a whole-person approach to healing and the interconnectedness of mind, body and spirit are deeply acknowledged.

Body Intelligence Training offers a 2 year practitioner course in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy in Vernon, British Columbia for existing health professionals considering adding a new modality to their work as well as individuals wanting to start a career in an exciting and evolving therapy.

PLEASE NOTE: Participants can still join the course from Seminar 2. The tutor will review basic contact skills during the morning of the first day of the seminar in order to help you understand the biodynamic approach to touch. Seminar 1 will need to be attended before graduation.

biodynamic craniosacral therapy training in vernon bc

Intro Talk

The Intro Talk is designed to provide a taste of this exciting and evolving body therapy science. You will explore through self experiential exercises and contact sessions the nature of Health and how to feel the expressions of Health as subtle biodynamic motions in the body. We will discuss trauma and how its effects are safely resolved with BCST. You will have a chance to meet some of the course tutors and discuss the course structure and material.

BC Registered Training

Please note this course is offered in British Columbia through the Kutenai Institute of Integral Studies which is registered with the Private Career Training Institutions Agency of BC (PCTIA). PCTIA is a BC Provincial Crown Corporation under the Ministry of Advanced Education, Innovation and Technology. Its mission is to support quality education in British Columbia’s private postsecondary career training sector through regulating standards and providing protection to students.


Upon successful completion of the training you will be certified as a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Practitioner.

Fees and Registration

For any questions about the upcoming program, please contact Bree at 306-530-4733 or email  We would love to hear from you!

Previous graduates
google review of biodynamic craniosacral therapy training in vernon bc
#truetestimonial from one of our Graduates